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Festival de Marseille

Ahamada Smis




Air, the new album by Ahamada Smis honours the traditional sounds of the Indian Ocean. An ode to travel and an invitation to dance by a Comorian artist who has made Marseille his adopted home.


The traditional music of the Comoro Islands, where he was born, and the rap of his adopted home, Marseille, have come together to form the “Ahamada Smis style”. After Etre in 2010, Origines in 2013 and Afrosoul in 2018, the multi-instrumentalist takes to the waves with lyrical slam and militant rap for an album of songs based on eleven different rhythms that represent as many dances and musical styles from the Comorian Archipelago. Poetic, metaphorical or political, his songs in French and Swahili reflect the cultural diversity of the Indian Ocean—African-Bantu and Arab-Persian, with melodies played on the dzenzé (hand-made harp), gabousse (lute) and ngoma (traditional drums), with the addition of guitar, double bass and western-style drums. In this new odyssey, the artist and his dream-team, which includes the eminent jazzman Reggie Washington, break down boundaries by merging different languages, musical styles and cultures. 


Presented in co-realization with the City of Marseille - Museums of Marseille.


Practical information

2021 Edition

Duration 70'


Rate 10€
Under 12 5€

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Photographies © DR

Interprétation Ahamada Smis (gaboussi, dzenzé, chant) Reggie Washington (basse & contrebasse) Ulrich Edorh "YUL" (batterie) Christophe Isselée (guitare) Youss Man (percussion & chœurs)



Spectacle présenté en coréalisation avec la Ville de Marseille - Musées de Marseille.


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