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Festival de Marseille

ARTE's karaoke


Partner of the Marseille Festival since 2009, ARTE goes live at sundown for a giant karaoke presented by Aline Afanoukoé accompanied by DJ Da Vince. 

Come and hum along, sing your head off or get carried away by trad French songs, international pop, rap… even opera arias! A selection of concerts filmed by the ARTE teams at great European venues makes up the playlist. An evening led by one of the most emblematic voices on French radio, the journalist, radio presenter and DJ – among other things – Aline Afanoukoé. DJ Da Vince will be doing the warm-up: with his eclectic sets, we’ve seen him at some of the most famous clubs around. Aline Afanoukoé and DJ Da Vince will get you singing for sure.

Where ?
Place Bargemon

 Carsharing available here from June 3

Place Bargemon, 2e

Métro - 1 arrêt Vieux-Port

Bus - 49 arrêt Place Bargemon

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Hôtel de Ville, 583 arrêt Métro Vieux-Port

Vélo - Grand Rue

Parking - Qpark Vieux-Port


free admission upon availability


Photography : © Pierre Gondard