In response to his own soul-searching, Yan Duyvendak has chosen to create a dialogue between two generations (three performers) who evoke their feelings, their frames of reference, their conditioning and the respective practices (dance, protocols, drag, video and writing). In the incessant flow of interactions, quotations, images and movements, a line of force emerges: that of transmission. If there’s a gap, it becomes a wellspring of shared thoughts and conversations. Kindness and mutual understanding enrich this triangular performance where Yan Duyvendak, Matthieu La-Brossard and Antoine Weil engage in autobiography by affirming their body and identity. With their own tools, techniques, knowledge and ethics, they approach their relationship to the world in a genuine effort to understand it and find peace. Each proves that we can use art to step beyond polarised debates and create a space for interaction.
Coproduction Festival de Marseille
Avec le soutien de l'Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique