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Festival de Marseille


Emotionally powerful, tense and spectacular, the dance performances of Nach, alias Anne-Marie Van, are captivating experiences. This young dancer, who recently moved to Marseille, honed her skills in streetdance battles and pushes back the boundaries of her craft. The result is an intimate form of “Krump” that converses with the world at large.

KRUMP stands for Kingdom Radically Uplifted Mighty Praise. Nach discovered Krump at the age of 22 in front of the Lyon Opera House after seeing Rize, David Lachapelle’s documentary on this urban dance form. The street was her first dance school. People she met then shaped her practice: Heddy Maalem in 2012, who made her determined to develop Krump alongside other forms; Bintou Dembélé; and Marcel Bozonnet. She also became interested in traditional forms of dance such as Kathakali and Flamenco. Her references also come from the world of photography (Antoine d’Agata, Francesca Woodman), poetry (Sony Labou Tansi), audio-visual arts, arthouse cinema and experimental music. Nach performed her first solo Cellule in 2017, and was then artist-in-residence at the Villa Kujoyama in Kyoto in 2018. In 2019 she staged Beloved Shadows at L’Échangeur CDCN (Château Thierry) and worked on a video and dance project titled Instantané de désir in 2020. 
Nach is an associate artist at the Centre Chorégraphique National, La Rochelle / Compagnie Accrorap (Director Kader Attou), and receives support from CDCN Atelier de Paris as part of the FoRTE endowment. 


Édition 2021

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