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Festival de Marseille

L’atelier des artistes en exil

Diana La Fraise

Born in 1992 in Kinshasa, DRC, Diana La Fraise is a Congolese singer of rumba and world music, and is also a songwriter. She grew up in Kingasani, a suburb of Kinshasa, where she sang in various groups and churches. In 2017 she arrived in France and continued her musical activity in Congolese nightclubs. She has performed with the group Mvpévé (ndombolo and Congolese rumba). She is a member of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil.

Aida Nosrat

Born in 1983 in Teheran, Aida Nosrat began her career in music by enrolling at music school as a child. She learned to play the violin and studied musicology at university. With her husband Babak Amir Mobasher, also a musician, she formed the group Manushan (Accords Croisés) in 2006, developing her own style of music. She took part in the project titled From Kabul to Bamako. She is a member of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil.

Dighya Mohammed Salem

The singer Dighya Mohammed Salem was born in 1966 in Dakhla, Western Sahara. During the war in the Sahara, she took refuge in a camp on the Algerian border. She went to school in Lybia and Algeria, where she began her artistic career. Her first single, Haya Shababna, earned her the title of Best Regional Singer. With the Sahraoui revolutionary group Shaheed El Wali, she recorded an album in Paris in 1989 and toured Spain, Italy and Germany. She returned to Algeria to continue her studies and worked for the Department of Culture. She sought asylum in France with her daughter in 2018 and, in the framework of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil, set up the Dighya Moh-Salem Band and took part in the Sahariennes project (Dérapage Prod.)

Nasima Shavaeva

Born in 1984 in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Nasima Shavaeva is an Oyghur singer. She released an album titled Sois Mon Etoile with her husband Azamat Abdurakhmanov, performing at the Koujamiarov National Theatre and in Oyghur groups in Kirghizstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, China and Spain. She organised artistic events to promote Oyghur culture. When she arrived in France in 2015 she joined the Atelier des Artistes en Exil and worked on rebuilding a traditional and contemporary repertoire. She worked with the artist Ève Chabanon and Judith Depaule on the show titled Disparu·e·s.

Angerlin Urbina

The flute player Angerlin Urbina was born in 1990 in Caracas, Venezuela. At the age of 9 she joined the Sistema Nacional de las Orquestas Sinfónicas, of which she remained a member until 2010. She studied at the University Institute of Public Relations in Caracas. She played flute in the Teresa Carreño Symphony Orchestra, performing in Venezuela and on an international tour. In 2015 she arrived in France and obtained her music diploma and other qualifications at the Conservatoire in Pantin. She teaches woodwind and music for infants, and is a member of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil.

Judith Depaule

Theatre director Judith Depaule was born in 1968 in Paris and is joint founder of the Atelier des Artistes en Exil with Ariel Cypel. In 2001 she founded the Mabel Octobre company, mostly writing her own texts and developing shows involving both investigation and multimedia. She teaches video and the relationship between new technologies and the stage. Winner of the Villa Médicis Hors les Murs award, Chevalière de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres and Chevalière de l’Ordre du Mérite, she is writing a thesis on theatre in Stalin’s Gulags (University of Paris-Nanterre).

Édition 2023