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Festival de Marseille


Boris Charmatz I [terrain]



The first solo written and performed by Boris Charmatz is all about interiority, dreams and fragility. Everything seems fluid, as if emerging from a state of slumber that prompts the first suggestion of movement that begins languorously and gradually becomes more febrile. An increasingly intense and energetic melodic theme emerges. A waking dream whose musicality is contagious…


He dances as he whistles and whistles as he dances. He appears and disappears into the obsidian darkness as if by magic. Here he is, alone on the stage, half naked, guided by his impulses, his tropisms and his states of half-slumber. He is in that in-between place where he can imagine a hymn to dance comprising continuous gestures and breaths, scholarly references and popular images. Melodic reminiscences too, either created by him or drawn from a broad repertoire: Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart, soundtracks of Ennio Morricone westerns, etc. Nobody is left behind in this immense poetic, musical, choreographic daydream, danced to the rhythm of its own shimmering modulations. More than a performance on the state of the resting or confined body, SOMNOLE is a highly exacting and exquisitely funny performance: a sublimation of the dancing body and of thought in motion.


Practical information

2022 edition

Duration 1h


Recommended for ages 8 and up

Where ?
Théâtre Joliette

2, place Henri-Verneuil, 2e

tel. 04 91 90 74 28

Métro - 2 arrêt Joliette

Tram - 2, 3 arrêt Euroméditerranée-Gantès

Bus - 35, 82 arrêt Le Silo, 49 arrêt Collège Izzo

Vélo - station Euroméditerranée Gantes

Parking - Urbis Park Euromed Center


Price 10€

Under 12 y/o 5€

Book !


Photos @Marc Domage


Création 2021 |Chorégraphie et interprétation Boris Charmatz Assistante chorégraphique Magali Caillet Gajan Lumières Yves Godin Collaboration costumes Marion Regnier Travail vocal Dalila Khatir Avec les conseils de Bertrand Causse et Médéric Collignon Inspirations musicales J.S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, B. Eilish, La Panthère Rose, J. Kosma, E. Morricone, chants d’oiseaux, G.F. Haendel, Stormy Weather… liste complète disponible sur Régie générale Max Potiron, Fabrice Le Fur Directrice déléguée [terrain] Hélène Joly Direction de production Lucas Chardon, Martina Hochmuth Chargé.e.s de production Jessica Crasnier, Briac Geffrault Production et diffusion [terrain] Avec le soutien de Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels


Coproduction Opéra de Lille – Théâtre lyrique d’intérêt national ; Le Phénix - scène nationale de Valenciennes – pôle européen de création ; Bonlieu - scène nationale d’Annecy ; Charleroi danse, Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ; Festival d’Automne à Paris ; Festival de Marseille ; Teatro Municipal do Porto (PT) ; Helsinki Festival ; Scène nationale d’Orléans ; MC93 – Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis (Bobigny) ; Pavillon - Association pour la Danse Contemporaine (Genève) Soutien Lafayette Anticipations – Fondation d’entreprise Galeries Lafayette, dans le cadre du programme Atelier en résidence Avec la participation du Jeune théâtre national (Paris) Remerciements Alban Moraud, Mette Ingvartsen, Iris Ingvartsen Charmatz, Xenia Ingvartsen Charmatz, Florentine Busson, Germain Fourvel

In the press

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