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Festival de Marseille

A day of workshops, talks, performances and films

How does disability transform art, the art world and representations?

workshop performance

The Festival de Marseille is partnering with TRANSFORM!, a festival of contemporary queer creation, to design the programme for this day underpinned by crip theories, which explore questions of intersectional identity among disabled people, for example how disability intersects with other identities such as race, gender and sexuality.


14:30 Workshop with Clément et Guillaume Papachristou

17:00 Film Dans ma voix, d’autres voix by  No Anger

18:00 Talk

20:00 Performance Tricot de peau by John Deneuve

Practical information

If you are disabled, please inform our team so we can help organizing your visit : / 04 91 99 00 27

Bar and restauration on place


Free admission upon availability

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