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Festival de Marseille

Educational and cultural programme

From primary school to university, hundreds of local children, teens and young adults discover dance and contemporary performing arts at the Festival de Marseille.

Our audience relations team helps schoolchildren to understand and appreciate the performances by sharpening their eyes, their sensitivity and their critical thinking, as well as familiarising them with performing arts


Workshops led by performers involved in the Festival, mediation initiatives, opportunities to meet the Festival teams, visits to shows in and out of school time, opportunities to meet guest performers... our awareness-raising programme throughout the school year allows almost forty classes to take part in discovery programmes and workshops.


The dancers and choreographers Pablo Jupin, Nolwenn Peterschmitt, Marina Gomes, Anne-Gaëlle Thiriot, Julien Rossin, Julien Dégremont, Séverine Beauvais and Elias Ardoin will be running a series of workshops this year. They will propose a public presentation of their work at the Friche la Belle de Mai on May 22nd.

This year, more than 900 children and teenagers from more than 30 different schools benefit from our programme.




To know more about the different workshops and mediations, click here.


To bring your class to the festival, click here.


For more information, visit the blog.

