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Festival de Marseille

Ali Chahrour

Born in Beirut, the choreographer and dancer Ali Chahrour invents a system of gesture that has freed itself from western codes and which reflects his culture and the political, social and religious context in which he lives.

In a previous series of shows, part of a trilogy on the subject of death, he referenced funeral liturgies combining tradition with extreme modernity. He then created a second trilogy devoted to love, Night (2019), followed by Told by my Mother (2021) and The Love Behind My Eyes, which was awarded the ZKB Patronage Prize at Zurich Theater Spektakel 2022 .
Combining lyrical poetry with intertwined bodies, Ali Chahrour’s performances were presented at the Avignon Festival in 2016, 2018 and 2022 and at many other festivals around the world.

Édition 2023