Created by the filmmaker and artist Jean Michel Bruyère, Sup de Sub encourages young people aged 17 to 25 who have dropped out of school or who are looking for jobs to learn artistic techniques and apply them in their daily lives. In a spirit of complete freedom, these young adults fuel and develop their imaginations via a wide range of artistic practices—film, dance, theatre, song, literature, philosophy, general knowledge, history, anthropology and so on… not to become “professional artists” but to learn how to build their lives as if they were artworks. The result of their work takes different forms and the LFK(s) collective that runs Sup de Sub will be presenting the challenges and methods involved. In association with the Théâtre La Criée, the Festival presents this unique experiment that opens up new avenues and expresses profound trust in young people’s potential.
Construit et coréalisé avec la Criée Théâtre national de Marseille