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Festival de Marseille

Open-air workshop with Karim Sylla


Come and dance with Karim Sylla, dancer with L'atelier des artistes en exil (Artists in exile workshop)

Born in Guinée-Conakry, Karim Sylla began dancing in the street at the age of eight. He left his family, who opposed his practice, and went to Bissau and then Paris via Portugal. With the “Atelier Artistes en Exil”, he took part in shows choreographed by Thierry Thieû Niang and Kevin Kimbengui and worked alongside the choreographer Cécile Loyer and the stage director Judith Depaule. He runs dance workshops for isolated minors and masterclasses on African contemporary dance. At the workshop organised as part of the event titled “Fais émerger ton talent” (Bring Out Your Talent), he invites us to discover traditional dances from Guinée-Conakry and Guinée-Bissau.

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