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Festival de Marseille

"Bless The Sound That Saved A Witch Like Me"

Benjamin Kahn

Marseilles / Brussels
dance performance

A solo for Sati Veyrunes

Choreographed for and with each performer, Benjamin Kahn’s three solo pieces paint an empirical picture of a generation grappling with global ecological, political and social emergencies. Drawing from conversations with Cherish Menzo, Sati Veyrunes and Théo Aucremanne, this trilogy, where each piece has its own identity but echoes the others, forms a kaleidoscope of emotions. Benjamin Kahn sees the depth and power of each personality and choreographs their private worlds in order to highlight universal truths, presenting three simultaneous relationships with the world in unusual spaces.

Benjamin Kahn pursues his quest for meaning in this solo performed by the incandescent Sati Veyrunes. Through a powerful physical journey and a vibrant soundscape, Veyrunes voices a range of raw emotions— private, collective, social, ecological, feminist, erotic—expressing joy, despair, madness and terror. There are moments of silence, too, where the choreographer seems to mould the outline of the dancer’s body which glides from one state to the next, from trance to resistance, ecstasy to deliverance, abandonment to explosion. She makes brutal or gentle transitions and takes time out to breathe: her way of dealing with the pessimistic realities of the world’s future. Sati Veyrunes carries within her a vital force, and her ability to voice her deepest, most rebellious feelings makes Benjamin Kahn’s message both powerful and politically relevant.

Practical information

2023 edition

Duration 1h


Aged 12 and over

Where ?
KLAP Maison pour la Danse

5, avenue Rostand, 3e

tel. 04 96 11 11 20

Métro - 2 arrêt National

Bus - 31, 32, 89 arrêt National Loubon

Bus de nuit - 530, 533 arrêt National Loubon

Vélo - station National-Belle de Mai

Parking - Zenpark Villette-Roger Salengro


Price €10


Avec le soutien de la SACD (Société des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dramatiques) et de l’Onda (Office national de diffusion artistique) dans le cadre de leur programme TRIO(S)
En partenariat avec KLAP Maison pour la danse
Création 2023
Conception, choréographie : Benjamin Kahn
Création, interprétation : Sati Veyrunes
Création musicale : Lucia Ross
Création lumière : Neills Doucet
Assistant dramaturgie : Théo Aucremanne
Régie générale : Neills Doucet
Régisseuse lumière : Océane Martel
Régisseur son : Louis Daurat
Regard extérieurs : Cherish Menzo
Chargé de production : Léonard Degoulet
Chargée de diffusion : Sandrine Barrasso
Textes : Benjamin Kahn inspiré directement par Pier Paolo Pasolini, Death Grips, Darek Jerman, MAVI.
Regard création costumes : Carolin Herzberg
Accueil en résidence : Festival de Marseille / CND / Klap Maison pour la danse / Kaiitheater / BUDA Kunstencentrum
Coproduction : Klap Maison pour la danse, Charleroi Danse, Les Halles de Schaerbeek 

Photographie © Bas Czerwinski