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Festival de Marseille

Dance, struggle and body emancipation

public talks

In a programme highlighting the youth and involvement, the Festival de Marseille gathers artists, scholars and publics for a round-table discussion about the struggles they fight through dancing.

Horizontal discussion

How does dance hold space for struggle and body emancipation ?

Our guests for this discussion :
- Choreographer Marina Gomes (presenting Asmanti [Midit-Minuit] et Bach Nord [Sortez les guitares] on the 18th and 19th of June)
- Choreographer Nolwenn Peterschmitt (Presenting Unruhe on the 5th of July)
- Associated researcher at l’Institut ACTE de l’Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and dance specialist Florian Gaite
- Doctor of aesthetic and art sciences, art critic and curator Sophie Lapalu PhD

Participatory and collective body motion workshop


Where ?
Coco Velten

16 rue Bernard du Bois, 1er


Métro - 2 arrêt Jules Guesde

Tram - 2, 3 arrêt Républiques Dames

Bus - 82s, 509, 521, 533, 582 arrêt Nedelec Guesde

Vélo - borne n° 2240, Boulevard des Dames