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Festival de Marseille

Emanuel Gat

Born in Israel in 1969, Emanuel Gat has lived in France since 2007. Since his first solo Four Dances danced to music by Bach (1994), he has worked with many institutions and prestigious companies around the world. He designs each of his pieces in close collaboration with the performers.

In 2004 he set up the company Emanuel Gat Dance and created internationally successful performances. Winter Voyage and The Rite of Spring were performed 350 times all over the world. Silent Ballet (2008), a silent piece for eight dancers, was his first show premiered in France. A year later, Emanuel Gat performed alongside his favourite dancer, Roy Assaf, for the premiere of the duet Variations d’Hiver. In 2011 he opened Brilliant Corners, for which he also created the soundtrack.

As artist-in-residence at the Montpellier Danse festival in 2013, he presented The Goldlandbergs and Corner Etudes as well as the photographic installation It’s people, how abstract can it get? and a choreographic event titled Danses de Cour. This was followed by Plage Romantique and, in 2016, SUNNY, a piece for ten dancers with the musician Awir Léon playing live. In 2017 he presented his second project developed during his residency at Montpellier Danse, a unique collaboration with the Ballet de l’Opéra de Lyon, TENWORKS (for Jean-Paul), and DUOS, a series of duets presented in various public spaces in Montpellier.

In 2018 he partnered with Ensemble Modern to stage the piece titled Story Water on the main stage at the Festival d’Avignon. Since 2018, Emanuel Gat has been artist-in-residence at Chaillot - Théâtre national de la Danse.

In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, Gat created “LOVETRAIN2020”, a work for 14 dancers to the music of Tears For Fears. Gat is currently associated artist to l’Arsenal - Cité Musicale, Metz and is in the process of creating a new work to Puccini’s opera “Tosca”.

Édition 2023 Édition 2024

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