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Festival de Marseille

Bassam Abou Diab

Lebanese choreographer and dancer Bassam Abou Diab has both a folkloric and contemporary approach to dance. In his view, movement makes It possible to delve into the themes of the unconscious and the heritage that everyone carries within their body.

Holder of a master's degree in theatre studies from the University of Lebanon, Bassam has worked with numerous directors. As a dancer, he has collaborated frequently with choreographers such as Omar Rajeh, for whom he danced for several years.

He has created, choreographed and danced in not connected and tours internationally with his creations Under the Flesh, Of What I Remember, Eternal and Pina, My Love.

In 2021, he founded the Beirut Physical Lab, an organisation aimed at supporting emerging artists in contemporary dance and theatre, focusing on training, performances, research, and local and international artistic collaborations.