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Festival de Marseille

Colette Sadler

Colette Sadler is a Scottish dance, choreographer and artist. Her performances combine dance, visual and digital art and explore the relationship between human and non-human, the real and the virtual.

After training as a ballet dancer, Colette graduated from the Laban Centre in London. She has worked all over the world as a dancer with choreographers including Wayne McGregor, Lanonima Imperial and Vicente Saez.

Since 2007, Colette Sadler’s work has been presented in a range of international contexts in Berlin, London, Brussels, Lille, Reykjavik and Tokyo.

Since 2016, she has been developing Present Futures, a cycle of curated events on the themes of speculative futures and post-humanism in collaboration with the Glasgow Centre for Contemporary Arts.

In 2019, she worked on FUTURELAND for the director Lola Arias at the Maxim Gorki Theatre in Berlin. Her latest work ARK 1 was created as part of the Tanz Im August Internationales Festival Berlin in 2021. She is currently preparing her new creation titled The Violet Hour.