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Festival de Marseille


Nafaq is a collective comprising the dancers Hanin Tarek and Amina Abouelghar, who were both born in Cairo. They are fascinated by movement and dance combining varied styles.

Graduates of the Cairo Contemporary Dance Center, Nafaq alternate between stage performances and video. They have taken part in several events and festivals in Cologne, Cairo and Canada.

Nafaq 4: Extending Further had its Arab premiere in D-CAF Festival in 2023. A re-adaptation will be shown in Indiscipline Festival by Wiels in Belgium in March 2024.

The dancer and choreographer Hanin Tarek trained in different styles of dance and has performed in a number of shows. She also teaches.

The dancer and choreographer Amina Abouelghar is based in Cairo and Brussels. She regularly works with artists working in different fields including filmmakers, visual artists and musicians. She presented her latest creation, the solo Young Dreams, in 2023.