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Festival de Marseille

Aina Alegre

The dancer, performer and choreographer Aina Allegre sees choreography as an opportunity to reimagine the body. Influenced by science fiction, her work explores notions such as hybridisation, the plasticity of movement, the state of presence and the experience of time in order to generate a corpus of images, ideas and concepts. 

After training in a range of disciplines including dance, theatre and music in Barcelona, Aina Alegre in 2007 joined the CNDC in Angers. She explores different cultures and practices, which she sees as social, historical and anthropological representations. She constructs her choreographies using a range of different media: stage pieces, performances and videos.
In 2011 she created the performance La Maja desnuda dice, which led to the piece titled No se trata de un desnudo mitologico (2012). She then created Delices (2015), Le Jour de la bête (2017) and La Nuit nos autres (2019). In 2020 she created Concrerto in collaboration with David Wampach and the solo R-A-U-X-A. She finally created Étude 4, Fandango et autres cadences, as part of "Vive le sujet!" in 2021, as well as THIS IS NOT (an act of love and resistance) in 2022.
In parallel with her projects for the stage, she has set up a research and performance initiative (Études) through which she meets people involved in percussive dance practices. Her work has been presented in many countries including Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Greece,  Switzerland, Gemany, Peru and Rumania.

Since January 1st 2023, Aina Alegre is the co-director of the Grenoble National choreographic center.



Édition 2022 Édition 2023