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Festival de Marseille

Dreams Come True

Yan Duyvendak, Matthieu La-Brossard, Antoine Weil

Yan Duyvendak 

Originally from the Netherlands, Yan Duyvendak (he, him) lives in Geneva and Marseille. He creates dance pieces with explicit political dimensions that question the relationship between art and contemporary society. Interaction with the audience is an essential aspect of performance for him.

Trained at the École Supérieure d'Art Visuel in Geneva, Yan Duyvendak has been performing since 1995, when he presented his first live art piece Keep it Fun for Yourself. He is also the co-founder, with La Ribot, of the art/action programme at the Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design (HEAD) in Geneva, which he coordinated from 2004 to 2014. He resumed teaching at HEAD in September 2020.

Collaborations and joint projects are an important part of his work, for example Please, Continue (Hamlet) (2011), Invisible (2019), VIRUS (2020), and TWIST (2022).

In 2010, he received Switzerland's most prestigious contemporary art award, the Meret Oppenheim Prize. In 2019, he was awarded the Swiss Theatre Grand Prize / Hans Reinhart Ring.

Matthieu La-Brossard 

A graduate of the Haute Ecole d'Art et de Design (HEAD) in 2021, Matthieu La-Brossard (she, her) is an artist and choreographer based in Amsterdam. Steering away from frontal staging, she constructs interactive installations as well as videos.

The collaborative aspect of her performances unfolds through non-linear gameplay where audience members become players. Through her work, Matthieu explores the notion of voyeurism and questions the physical and social norms associated with hegemonic power systems.

Antoine Weil

Antoine Weil (he, him) graduated from the Haute Ecole d’Art et de Design (HEAD) in 2023 and studied at Ballet Junior in Geneva. His performances focus on notions of identification and disidentification via the body, clothes and words. 

Antoine Weil has danced for choreographers including Alexandra Bachzetsis, Nils Amadeus Lange and Marie-Caroline Hominal, and has presented his own choreographic work at MayDay Space (New York), Théâtre Sévelin 36 (Lausanne) and Théâtre du Grütli (Geneva).