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Festival de Marseille

Khalil Epi

The Tunisian composer, multi-instrumentalist and videographer Khalil Hentati (EPI) devotes himself to the electronic and contemporary reinterpretation of traditional and folk music. Alternating between electro-pop, jazz, club, and classical music, he has been exploring a range of different aesthetics for over a decade.

Khalil Hentati initially trained in classical Arabic music and jazz, but is well-versed in traditional sound heritages from around the world thanks to his father's role as a curator at the National Sound Archive in Tunisia (CMAM). He has collaborated on numerous artistic projects, notably with N3rdistan, Imed Alibi, Aita mon amour and Deena Abdelwahed. Khalil has also produced Nuri, Ghoula, and Ammar 808 under the Franco-Tunisian label Shouka, which he manages. In 2023, he created his solo project, Aïchoucha.