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Festival de Marseille

Clément et Guillaume Papachristou

Clément Papachristou

Clément Papachristou is an actor, choreographer and director. For a long time he has been interested in inclusive choreographic practices, and his work focuses in particular on relationships between the body and collective history. After Almanach (2017), he presented Une tentative presque comme une autre with his brother Guillaume at the Festival de Marseille in 2020 and La Grotte in 2022.

Guillaume Papachristou

Guillaume Papachristou is involved in performing arts projects in Marseille and Brussels. He has cerebral palsy and is a member of the mixed theatre collective Les Arteliers and the inclusive dance project Mixability run by choreographer Andrew Graham. For the past 5 years he has worked regularly on stage with his twin brother Clément.