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Festival de Marseille

Fouad Boussouf

Fouad Boussouf is a choreographer, dancer, and teacher who blends styles and practices, rhythms and influences. His creations are primarily places of sharing and transmission.

Born in 1976 in Morocco, Fouad arrived in France at the age of seven. He trained in hip-hop dance, his preferred discipline, while maintaining a spirit of curiosity for other practices, particularly contemporary dance.

In 2010, he founded the company Massala and created ten solo and group pieces. The successes of Näss in 2018, and then Oüm, a tribute to Oum Kalthoum, in 2020, established him on the international stage.

His journey and experiences as a performer form the framework for a choreographic exploration where hip-hop intersects with contemporary and jazz dance, traditional North African dances and Nouveau Cirque.

As a passionate teacher, he has developed projects throughout his career aimed at both amateurs and future professional dancers. In January 2022, he was appointed director of Le Phare – Centre Chorégraphique National in Le Havre, Normandy. In 2023, as well as the piece he premiered at the Lyon Dance Biennale, he created Vïa for the Ballet of the Grand Théâtre de Genève at the invitation of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.