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Festival de Marseille

Hamza Lenoir

Hamza Lenoir is an author and performer. He is a member of the Kazyadance Company based in the Royaume des Fleurs in Mayotte, headed by choreographer Djodjo Kazadi.

Having participated in a creative writing workshop led by Jean-Luc Raharimanana at the University of Dembeni in Mayotte, Hamza published his first short story in 2019 in the magazine Les Lettres de Lémurie, followed by excerpts from his ongoing novel in the Mahoran magazine Project'îles in 2021. He regularly runs creative writing workshops as part of the programme of the Regional Agency for Books and Reading in Mayotte and for the Apprentis d'Auteuil, an association supporting disadvantaged youngsters.

Since 2021, he has been training as part of Play>Urban, a research programme experimenting with conceptual and visual tools, led by the Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin (HEAR) in Strasbourg. He has participated in several residencies relating to this project in Mayotte, Strasbourg and Marseille, notably with the Rara Woulib company as part of the Festival de Marseille.

In 2022, he was invited as an author to the Dakar Biennale to present an initial research phase of his project Le corps de Jésus (The Body of Jesus). He was among the award-winners of Des mots à la scène (From Words to the Stage), a programme run by the French Institute, in 2022. He will have spent several months as artist-in-residence at 3 bis f before presenting this new creation at the Festival de Marseille in 2024.

Hamza Lenoir is also a primary school teacher in Mayotte.