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Festival de Marseille

Love You, Drink Water

Amala Dianor, Awir Leon, Grégoire Korganow

Angers / Amsterdam / Bondy
music dance video Premiere

A flamboyant trio of artists presents a dance set with images and music from Love You, Drink Water, the brand new album by Awir Leon. A performance that is both a concert with dance and a visual artwork, where bodies move and emotions are expressed on both stage and screen.

The friendship between Amala Dianor and Awir Leon developed when they danced together on stage. They then worked together on several occasions until Awir Leon, an electro-soul musician, composed soundtracks for Amala Dianor, who has become one of Europe’s leading choreographers. Here they have collaborated on Awir Leon’s new album, which is “anchored in personal chaos, at one of those stages in life where we act impulsively, away from social norms, with no thought fot the consequences”. At Leon’s invitation, they have embarked on a hybrid adventure, always curious to experience and share new human and artistic experiences. An authentic show written and danced by an electro soul musician who produces enchanting, dreamlike vibes and a choreographer whose style draws on a range of different influences. Also involved in the project, photographer and filmmaker Grégoire Korganow will mix live and archive images to reveal the inner landscapes of the dance on screen.


Practical information

2023 edition

Duration : 1h 


Aged 5 and over

Where ?
La Criée - National Theater of Marseille

30, quai de Rive Neuve, 7e

tel. 04 91 54 70 54

Métro 1 arrêt Vieux-Port

Bus - 82, 82s, 83 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

• Bus de nuit - 583 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

Vélo Station Place aux Huiles

Parking Indigo, Vieux-Port-La Criée 


Price €10 / €5

Book !


Awir Leon, musique live
Amala Dianor, chorégraphie
Grégoire Korganow, création video
Et leurs accompagnateurs :
Xavier Lazarini, éclairagiste et régisseur général,
Emmanuel Caty, régisseur son,
Marc Marchand, régisseur vidéo,
Mélanie Roger, directrice déléguée,
Lucie Jeannetot, chargée de production
Bérenice Elie, assistante de production
Production : Kaplan / Cie Amala Dianor, soutenue par : État-DRAC Pays de la Loire, Région Pays de la Loire, Ville d’Angers.
La compagnie reçoit le soutien de la Fondation BNP Paribas depuis 2020
Coproduction : Touka danses, CDCN Guyane, Festival de Marseille

Photographie ©Jérôme Bonnet ©Gregoire Korganow