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Festival de Marseille

Mette Ingvartsen

Mette Ingvartsen is a Danish dancer and choreographer. Her work is characterised by a hybridisation of choreographic practices combining dance and movement with other disciplines such as visual arts, technology, language and theory. She set up her company in 2003.

Mette Ingvartsen created her first show Manual Focus in 2003 while she was still a student. Her first creations explored emotions, perception, sensations and the representation of the body. From 2009 to 2012 she developed the series titled The Artificial Nature in which she endeavoured to reconfigure relationships between the human and the non-human through choreography. This series comprised three performances devoid of human presence and two others where the human figure was reintroduced.
Her series The Red Pieces includes 69 positions (2014), 7 Pleasures (2015), to come (extended) and 21 pornographies (2017) and forms part of the history of performance art, focusing on nudity, sexuality and the way the body has historically been an arena for political struggle. She created Moving in Concert in 2019, an abstract group piece on the relationships between humans, tools and natural materials. The Life Work (2021) is a site-specific project in the Ruhr region that explores questions of migration and elderly people. The Dancing Public (2021) is a solo based on the fascination of dance through history.
Mette Ingvartsen was artist in residence at the Kaaitheater in Brussels (2012-2016) and at the Volksbühne in Berlin, and is associated with the European network APAP. She has worked with the artists Xavier Le Roy, Bojana Cvejic, Jan Ritsema and Boris Charmatz.

Édition 2023