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Festival de Marseille


Fouad Boussouf - Le Phare - CCN du Havre Normandie

Le Havre

Remembering a swarm of dragonflies swirling around him as a child, Fouad Boussouf launches ten dancers into a never-ending, almost mystical circle dance. They begin in the twilight, then move into the light, revealing their febrile presence. The swarm buzzes powerfully near the fire, glimmering at the risk of burning its wings...

When Fouad Boussouf began working as a choreographer, his body remembered the rhythms of his childhood in Morocco when he took part in spectacular evening celebrations involving states of trance where you reveal your true self by transcending usual notions of physical power, virtuosity and aesthetics. He passes on this unique experience to his dancers, creating a communion of mind and body. His previous success, Näss, and today Fêu, are living proof of this, combining the exaltation of the individual body with the incandescent energy of the ensemble. Näss was danced by men, Fêu by women, all under the influence of perpetual movement: a continuous inner impulse, an unrestrained cadency, a phenomenal rhythm and pulse. In this joyful round, singularities are blurred, giving way to the collective strength "of union, of communion", which the choreographer prefers. The dancers breathe in harmony and movements follow in sequence, carried along by an electronic soundtrack composed by François Caffenne. At the same time, however, these bodies are liberated within the constraints of the circle: a paradoxical situation whose boundaries the choreographer explores with cries and warlike gestures in a dance piece that resembles a blazing carousel.

En coréalisation avec la Mairie des 15-16e arrondissements de Marseille

Practical information

Duration : 55'

Age : for all

Sat. July 6th : followed by SABB (DJ SET)

Where ?
Théâtre de la Sucrière
Carsharing available here from June 3 

246, rue de Lyon, 15e

Métro - 2 arrêt Capitaine Gèze (14’ de marche)

Bus - 25, 36B, 70, B2 arrêt Billoux Mairie 15-16

Bus de nuit - 526 arrêt Billoux Mairie 15-16

• Vélo - station Gèze (10’ de marche)

Parking - P + R Gèze


Price 10/5€

Book !


Création 2023

Direction artistique et chorégraphie : Fouad 


Interprétation : Serena Bottet, Filipa 

Correia Lescuyer, Léa Deschaintres, 

Rose Edjaga, Lola Lefèvre, Fiona Pitz, 

Charlène Pons, Manon Prapotnich, 

Valentina Rigo, Justine Tourillon

Répétitrice : Mathilde Méritet

Musique : François Caffenne

Costumes : Gwladys Duthil

Scènographie : Aurélie Thomas

Création lumière : Lucas Baccini

Régisseur général et lumière : Romain 


Régisseur son : Gianluca Rossiello

Production : Le Phare - Centre chorégraphique 

national du Havre Normandie

Coproduction : La Biennale de la danse de 

Lyon, Le Quartz - Scène nationale de Brest, 

Le Volcan - Scène nationale du Havre, 

Maison de la musique de Nanterre - Scène 

conventionnée d’intérêt national – art et 

création – pour la musique, Théâtre de 

Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - Scène nationale, 

Equinoxe - Scène nationale de Châteauroux

Accueil en résidence : Le Volcan - Scène 

nationale du Havre

Photographies : © Antoine Friboulet,
Boulomsouk Svadphaiphane, Christophe
Raynaud de Lage

In the press

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