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Festival de Marseille

Diana Niepce

The dancer, choreographer and author Diana Niepce was born in 1985 in Portugal. She graduated from the Higher School of Dance in Lisbon and the Erasmus program of the Academy of Theatre in Helsinki.

In addition to her studies in performing arts management and production, she trained as a hatha yoga teacher and obtained a master's degree in art and communication from the University of Lisbon. With six shows to her credit (Raw a Nude, 12 979 Days, Duet, T4, Anda, Diana, and The Other Side of the Dance), she has performed with numerous international companies and artists including Rosas, Willi Dorner, La Fura del Baus, Mariana Tengner Barros, Rafael Alvarez, Jérôme Bel, Adam Benjamin, Diana de Sousa and Justyna Wielgus. 

Her work as a writer includes an article in the book Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker in Lisbon (Egeac / INCM), the children's story Bayadére (CNB), and the book Anda, Diana (Sistema Solar).