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Festival de Marseille

Le corps de Jésus

Hamza Lenoir - Cie Kazyadance

dance performance video Premiere

Somewhere between a theatrical form – involving body, music, texts and video - and a choreographic form, Le corps de Jésus is a journey to the Comoros and the narrative of a birth by the author and performer Hamza Lenoir. It is full of sensitive evocations of intimate and mythical stories and the rituals, traditions, and cultures of a changing land.

With its blend of customs and worlds, shaped by a range of external forces, Mayotte is at the heart of Hamza Lenoir's creative work, which is conceived as an introspective tribute and a meditation on the island’s future. Accompanied by the performer Inssa Hassna (known as "Jesus") and the musician Nacho Ortega, the Mahoran artist opens up multiple perspectives – traditional, cultural, ritualistic, religious – and constructs a living kaleidoscope. The stage welcomes words and songs; it becomes a place of exchange and transmission around the island’s political, economic, and social history. The body of Jesus, his skin and his face, are like a page, and the island is a vast territory where dance unfolds. Hamza Lenoir's first piece, Le corps de Jésus, is produced by Cie Kazyadance – Le Royaume des Fleurs in Dzaoudzi, an offbeat art factory and a meeting place and resource centre for a new generation of creators.

Coproduction Festival de Marseille, 3 bis f - Centre d’arts contemporains, Aix-en-Provence 

En coréalisation avec le Théâtre Joliette

Practical information

Duration : 1h 10

Age : 12 and over

Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
Théâtre Joliette
Carsharing available here from June 3 

2, place Henri-Verneuil, 2e

tel. 04 91 90 74 28

Métro - 2 arrêt Joliette

Tram - 2, 3 arrêt Euroméditerranée-Gantès

Bus - 35, 82 arrêt Le Silo, 49 arrêt Collège Izzo

Vélo - station Euroméditerranée Gantes

Parking - Urbis Park Euromed Center


Price 10€

Book !


Conception, chorégraphie : Hamza Lenoir
Performance : Hamza Lenoir, Insa Hassan dit « Jésus »
Scénographie, vidéos: Jean Christophe Lanquetin
Création sonore : Nacho Ortega
Création lumières : Camille Mauplot
Régie lumières et vidéo : Jules Bourret
Regards extérieurs : Djodjo Kazadi (danse et performance), Jean-Luc Raharimanana (textes)
Production : Cie Kazyadance / Royaume des Fleurs
Coproduction : Lalanbik, centre de développement chorégraphique - Océan indien, Festival de Marseille, 3 bis f - Centre d’arts contemporains, Aix-en-Provence
Avec le soutien de DAC Mayotte, HEAR (Haute école des arts du Rhin dans le cadre du programme Play>Urban), Institut français dans le cadre du dispositif “Des mots à la Scène”, DRAJES Mayotte, Ministère des Outre-mer
Photographie : © LékipLalanbik

In the press

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