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Festival de Marseille

Benjamin Kahn

The dancer and choreographer Benjamin Kahn sees dance and choreography as powerful political tools and is particularly interested in the construction and deconstruction of the way we look at individual and collective bodies.

Benjamin Kahn was born in 1980 and lives and works in Brussels. He studied theatre at the University of Aix-en-Provence and the Conservatoire in Rennes, and is a graduate of the École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque in Belgium. He has worked with numerous choreographers including Philippe Saire, Benjamin Vandewalle, Nicole Beutler, Ben Riepe, Frédéric Flamand, Maud Le Pladec, Egle Budvytyte and Alessandro Sciaronni.
Diverse artistic disciplines can still be found in his practices: Benjamin Kahn works as an actor with the Compagnie des Lucioles and as a theatrical advisor for circus productions, most recently for the play Cuir for the Un Loup pour l’Homme company; he teaches dance at the CNAC, the ESAC and in conservatoires. His decompartmentalised choreographic work really began in 2021 with Sorry But I Feel Slightly Disidentified with Cherish Menzo.

Édition 2023