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Festival de Marseille

Sept mouvements Congo

Michael Disanka




Five young Kinois vent their rage, share their anxieties, and dream of survival: no aspect of the harsh reality of their daily life in the Congo is spared. A vibrant, captivating performance in four languages.

For the actor, director and writer Michael Disanka, “writing is like photographing the instant with words”. It involves making each life experience his own. His documentary theatre gives a voice to thousands of human beings deprived of speech since night gave birth to the Congo… Divided into seven movements and performed in four languages*, the play deals with private and collective reality, hope and tragedy, and the explosion of latent rage that has been contained for far too long...until the liberating seventh movement, which promises survival.  

* Lingala, French, Kikongo, Swahili

With the support of the Brussels-Capital Region and Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique. Event organised as part of the Africa2020 Season, with the support of the French Institute and the Comité des Mécènes de la Saison Africa2020.

Practical information

2021 Edition

Duration 120'

Initially scheduled for Friday 9 July at 6. 30 pm and Saturday 10 July at 5 pm at the Joliette Theatre, the show is scheduled for Wednesday 30 June and Thursday 1 July at 7 pm at the Théâtre La Criée.

Where ?
La Criée - National Theater of Marseille

30, quai de Rive Neuve, 7e

tel. 04 91 54 70 54

Métro 1 arrêt Vieux-Port

Bus - 82, 82s, 83 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

• Bus de nuit - 583 arrêt Théâtre La Criée

Vélo Station Place aux Huiles

Parking Indigo, Vieux-Port-La Criée 


Rate 10€

Book !


Photographies © Danny Willems

Création 2018 | Texte, mise en scène Michael Disanka assisté par Michel Wetshi Avec Christiana Tabaro, Kady Vital Mavakala, Taluyobisa Luheho et Michael Disanka Danse Jeannot Kumbonyeki Musique Kady Vital Mavakal, Taluyobisa Luheho, Christiana Tabaro Lumière Hadrien Lefaure, Ralf Nonn Son Johannes Bellinck
Production Collectif d’Art d’Art (Kinshasa) ; NTGent (Belgique) ; Connexion (Bruxelles) ; KVS (Bruxelles) Remerciements Adeline Rosenstein, Centre Culturel Meko, Institut Français de Kinshasa Soutien Région Bruxelles Capitale.
Lauréat du Prix SACD Impatience 2020.

Avec le soutien de l’Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique. 

Organisé dans le cadre de la Saison Africa2020, avec le soutien de l'Institut français et du Comité des mécènes de la Saison Africa2020.

In the press

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