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Festival de Marseille

SHAPERS - Ex Nihilo

Part of the Dimanches de la Canebière

Choreographic piece for eight dancers

Carried out between 2016 and 2018, the Shapers project invites eight young dancers from Egypt, France, Spain and Morocco to create a dance piece. Looking at the Mediterranean and Europe, they question our way of relating to the city, to places, to people in the street, and to public space.



Organised by Ex Nihilo (Marseille) Partners and co-organisers Rézodanse (Alexandria) ; Momkin – espaces de possibles (Marseille) ; Nassim el Raqs Festival (Alexandria) ; Mes de Danza, international festival o contemporary dance (Seville); Espace Darja (Casablanca) ; Zvrk Festival (Sarajevo) ; in’8 circle • maison de production (Marseille). Shapers receives support from the European Union in the framework of the Creative Europe programme.



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