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Festival de Marseille

CANCELLED TONIGHT // Time and Space: The Marrabenta Solos

Panaibra Gabriel Canda

dance music



The Mozambican choreographer and dancer Panaibra Gabriel Canda deals with what the African body means today: a body that pummels the earth, cries out in revolt, and sweats out its demons. Accompanied by a Marrabenta guitarist, he uses his own body to tell the complex history of his country.

The founder of the first contemporary dance centre in Mozambique, Panaibra Gabriel Canda revisits the history of his people in a performance that takes the form of a series of existential questions. How can we know ourselves? How can we use our heritage? How can we transcend our own experience? In these three solo pieces he acts as a storyteller, a dancer and marching soldier, and a tribal dancer, composing and recomposing each figure to build, deconstruct and reconstruct a fragmentary identity torn between the colonial past, the socialist period, a civil war, and what he calls “negotiated independence”. This emblematic piece from his repertoire never loosens its grip thanks to its powerful composition and the energy of the Marrabenta, a kind of popular urban music that emerged in the 1950s, combining local and European influences.


Presented in co-corealization with the City of Marseille - Museums of Marseille. With the support of Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique. Organised as part of the Africa2020 Season, with the support of the French Institute and the Committee of Patrons of the Africa2020 Season.

Practical information

2021 Edition

Duration 60'


Originally scheduled at 9 pm, the show will take place at 10 pm.




Rate 10€
Under 12 5€

Book !


Photographies © Arthur Fink


Création 2010 | Chorégraphie, danse et texte Panaibra Gabriel Canda Musique Jorge Domingos Création lumière Myers Godwin Adaptation lumière Aude Dierkens Régie lumière José Alberto Caldino Costumes Mama Africa, Lucia Pinto Administration Jeremias Canda Accessoires Panaibra Gabriel Canda avec Gonçalo Mabunda

Production Panaibra Gabriel Canda/CulturArte (Maputo) Coproduction Sylt Quelle Cultural Award for Southern Africa 2009 – Goethe Institut Johannesbourg Soutien Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Bruxelles) ; Bates Dance Festival (USA) ; Panorama Festival (Brésil) ; VSA arts of New Mexico-Albuquerque (USA) Remerciements Jesse Manno, Dan Minzer, Leah Wilks, Cynthia Oliver, Elsa Mulungo, Timoteo Canda Diffusion internationale PLAN B - Creative Agency for Performing Arts (Allemagne)


Spectacle présenté en coréalisation avec la Ville de Marseille - Musées de Marseille.

Avec le soutien de l’Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique. 

Organisé dans le cadre de la Saison Africa2020, avec le soutien de l'Institut français et du Comité des mécènes de la Saison Africa2020.

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