At the Festival de Marseille in 2021, Ils savaient pas qu’ils étaient dans le monde drew from literature and archive material to attempt to interpret the present. For UNRUHE, Nolwenn Peterschmitt draws inspiration from mediaeval stories and has studied the curious phenomenon of Saint Vitus’ Dance and its sociopolitical context. Convinced of the contemporary need for ritual in society and for dance as a vital necessity, she investigates our individual and collective impulses. With an original score composed by Thibaut de Raymond and Thomas Delpérié, somewhere between mediaeval modal music and electro-acoustic vibes, she takes us into a permissive ritual that reveals an unconscious story about the body—what it is forbidden to do, its violence and its poetry. She asks us: what do we need today in order to heal together?
Création | Coproduction Festival de Marseille
En coréalisation avec Lieux publics, centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public & pôle européen de création