Spmewhere between documentary, film and standup comedy, this show explores the musical repertoire of the Waka Starz, which talks about life in the district of Wakaliga where they grew up. In this underprivileged district of Kampala where people have to be resourceful in order to survive, they make TikTok videos and short movies in their family studio Wakaliwood, inspired by musicals, afrofuturism, kung-fu choreography and political satire. Éric Minh Muong Castaing has been working with them since 2019, organising workshops with teenage vocalists at the Friche la Belle de Mai and young dancers at the CCN-Ballet de Lorraine. Here he invites the rising Ugandan pop star Racheal M onto the stage, connected by video link to her brothers and sisters in Uganda. They share the reality of their village, their hunger for success and their faith in songs combining reggaeton, afrobeat and British and American pop whose lyrics denounce child abuse and promote self-determination for women.
Coproduction Festival de Marseille