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Festival de Marseille

Bania Medjbar

Bania Medjbar was born in Marseille in 1962. She has been assistant to Claire Simon, Brigitte Roüan, Christophe Ruggia, Abbas Kiarostami, Merzak Allouache and Dominique Cabrera, and continues to assist other filmmakers, mainly as casting director. In 1996 she made her first documentaries at film school: Impression de voyage, Mères amères, Le marché aux puces and J’ai fait un rêve. In 2003 she made her first foray into fiction with the short film Quand le vent tisse les fleurs, which was selected at the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs in Cannes and has won eight awards at various festivals. Her latest short film Des enfants dans les arbres was shortlisted at the International Short Film Festival in Clermont-Ferrand and has been presented at several international festivals. It has won seven awards and was shown on Canal+. Her first feature film Le Crime des anges is at the post-production stage. 


Édition 2017