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Festival de Marseille

Eric Corijn

Born in 1947, Eric Corijn is a cultural philosopher and social scientist. He studied Marine biology, Philosophy, Futures Studies, Science Dynamics and Psycho-analysis at the universities of Ghent, Brussels, Utrecht and Amsterdam. He holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Tilburg in The Netherlands. Moreover he followed Arts school in General Arts, Sculpture and Monumental Sculpture at the RHoK Academy in Brussels. He has built a career as a researcher and university professor teaching in Ghent, Tilburg, Deusto-Bilbao, Louvain and Brussels. There he founded an Institute in Urban Studies, COSMOPOLIS. He initiated several European programmes such as the Erasmus Mundus Master programme in Urban Studies 4Cities, with the two Brussels Universities, the universities of Vienna and Copenhagen and the Complutense and Autonoma universities in Madrid. Moreover Eric Corijn is vice-president of the Brussels Studies Institute, director of the Brussels Academy and vice chair of the Regional development Commission of Brussels Capital Region. He is also very engaged as a fellow traveler of the performance arts, involved in the Arts Network of Brussels and academic supervisor of the Cultural Plan. He has published over 250 publications.

Édition 2017

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