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Festival de Marseille

Dance Workshops 7even

with Nacera Belaza, Amos Ben-Tal, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing

workshop public talks

Throughout the weekend, the Marseille Festival and the BNM are offering workshops with the choreographers of 7even!


20 places available

information & inscriptions :
 04 91 99 02 50 from tuesday to saturday (11:00-18:00)
Saturday 24/06
 14h - 15h30 : Nacera Belaza
 16h - 17h30 : Workshop DSDM Double Skin Double Mind, by a BNM dancer, following the method of Emio Greco and Pieter C. Scholten

Sunday 25/06
 14h -15h30 : Amos Ben-Tal
 16h - 17h30 : Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, associate artist to the BNM




Where ?
Ballet National de Marseille

20, boulevard de Gabès, 8e

tel. 04 91 32 72 72 

Métro - 2 arrêt Rond-point du Prado

Bus - 19, 83 arrêt Prado Tunis, 41 arrêt Saint-Giniez

Bus de nuit - 521, BM1, BM2 arrêt Rond-point du Prado

Vélo - station Rond-point du Prado

Parking - Rond-point du Prado, Borély 



Informations & inscriptions :
 or by phone at 04 91 99 02 50 from tuesday to saturday (11:00-18:00)

Book !