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Festival de Marseille

Kawthar Younis is awarded with Von Brochowski South North Prize 2018

The Von Brochowski South North Foundation announced that the Von Brochowski South North Prize 2018 has been awarded to young Egyptian filmmaker Kawthar Younis, whose french premiere of her film A Present from the Past was presented at Festival de Marseille 2018.


In awarding the prize, with prize money of 8,000 €, the foundation hopes to support this 25-year-old director and producer from Cairo, whose films take a committed and artistically remarkable approach to dealing with the socio-political reality of present-day Egypt.


In her two films How to Kill a Cactus / The Next Few Hours and A Present from the Past she skillfully combines the private and the public. This can also be said of the film project Off Air, which is currently in development.


This award from the foundation is intended to serve as encouragement to the young artist to continue on the difficult path she has set out on. The jury made this decision unanimously on 1st July 2018 in Marseille. Its members include:
- Valérie Baran, Paris, director of Le Tarmac – la scène internationale francophone;
- Jan Goossens, Marseille, director of the Festival de Marseille;
- Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Berlin / Bamenda, founder and art director of Savvy Contemporary Berlin;
- Gabrielle von Brochowski, Brussels, foundation founder;
- Torsten Maß, Berlin, foundation director.


This non-profit foundation was established in 2017. It was set up to support artists and projects from African countries.


The prize winner in 2017 was Nigerian artist group Invisible Borders.