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Festival de Marseille

While we are here

Lisa Vereertbrugghen - CAMPO

dance French Premiere

Five women create a space of joy and connection in their relationships and physical interactions. Lisa Vereertbrugghen sweeps them up into a powerful hardcore wave, providing the audience with an immersive experience. Their frenzy becomes contagious, revealing the timeless desire to dance together...

In Amsterdam, Flemish choreographer Lisa Vereertbrugghen experiments with hardcore techno to "challenge herself to go faster", to change her habits, and to step out of her comfort zone. She soon focuses on details "by zooming in on what is often overlooked in this practice: the neck, hands, face, elbows... From the little finger to the legs, every movement counts." Then she decides to move hardcore from clubs to the stage in various formats: performance, sound, installation. She engages in clever poetic exploration in collective shows that encourage the creation of caring communities. Aware of our age-old need to dance together, she intertwines hardcore rave and folk dancing in While we are here - her first group piece. Motifs borrowed from folk dances are echoed in unison by five extraordinary dancers. They pound their feet and flail their legs, liberating body and mind and celebrating joy and self-transcendence. The strength of the collective is carried along by a rhythmic complexity that the audience feels with every vibration.

En coréalisation avec le Mucem

Practical information

Duration: 50'

Age: 14 and over

Warning: very loud sound

Bar and restauration on place


Price €10

Book !


Creation 2023

Concept and choreography : Lisa Vereertbrugghen

Performance and co-creation : Claire Godsmark, Dolores Hulan/Taka Shamoto, Eimi Leggett, Castélie Yalombo Lilonge, Lisa Vereertbrugghen

Dramaturgy : Simon Baetens, Sophie Guisset

Artistic advice : Madison Bycroft

Sound : Michael Langeder

Lights : Vera Martins

Costumes : Cee Fülleman

Song : Lisa Vereertbrugghen, Michaela Riener

folk Expert : Aurélie Giet

Production : CAMPO

Technique : Babette Poncelet, Korneel Coessens

Co-production : Concertgebouw, KAAP, Kunstenwerkplaats KWP, STUK Arts Centre, ICI – CCN Montpellier, Kunstencentrum BUDA, BIT teatergarasjen, Perpodium

With the support of the taxshelter of the Belgian Federal Government via uFund, the Flemish Government & the commission of the Flemish Community

Photography © Bea Borgers

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