One is a choreographer and dancer, associate artist at the BNM; the other is an author and journalist. One founded the concept of Afrovibe dance fitness in Marseille; the other wrote Yoga, une histoire du monde and Vieille fille published by La Découverte. They both practise yoga and dance, and share feminist and anti-racist politics. Maryam Kaba and Marie Kock naturally came together around a single project: Joie UltraLucide, constructed as a narrative of learning and empowerment with multiple voices. On stage, twenty women of different ages, cultures and backgrounds who met at La Maison des Femmes (a shelter for vulnerable women and victims of violence). They move along a path; their demeanour is robotic and interchangeable. They cross paths without seeing each other, collide without being aware of one another. Combining readings, collaborative spoken-word rituals, choreographed and improvised passages and interactions with the audience, the piece is a bridge leading to joyous emancipation and a space of recognition. It’s all about effort, courage and solidarity, but it’s also about anger: all the emotions these women experience on their long journey towards emancipation. Clear-sighted and open, Maryam Kaba and Marie Kock orchestrates this narrative that liberates speech and the body, telling a new story about what makes life complete and free.
Joie UltraLucide
Maryam Kaba, Marie Kock in collaboration with Pina Wood
Maryam Kaba and Marie Kock unite their voices in an anthem to self-listening and tuning in to one's deepest desires. Designed with and for twenty women from Marseille, Joie UltraLucide restores movement and life to female bodies that have fallen victim to violence, rails against stereotypes, and shines a light on women’s strength and vital energy.
Practical information
Duration : 45'
Age : 14 and over
Bar and restauration on place

Where ?
Ballet National de Marseille
Carsharing available here from June 3