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Festival de Marseille

Workshop Tragédie

With Olivier Dubois' Company


After Itmahrag in 2021, the dance piece Tragédie was shared with a group of thirty amateur dancers in Marseille over one weekend.



Sébastien Ledig and Karine Girard, members of the Olivier Dubois dance troupe, shared the secrets of this frantic, energetic choreography. Experience unique sensations and contagious joy! There was no need to take our clothes off to take part.




Practical information

2022 edition

All levels, from 16 years old


Where ?
Friche la Belle de Mai

Entrée 1 : 41, rue Jobin, 3e
Entrée 2 : 12, rue François-Simon, 3e

tel. 04 95 04 95 95 

 Métro - 1, 2 arrêt Saint-Charles 

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp 

 Bus - 49, 56 arrêt Belle de Mai 

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Belle de Mai La Friche

 Vélo station Friche Belle de Mai, parking à vélo dans la Friche

Parking - Parking Le Champ de Mai


Admission: 20€ with subscription

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